A treatment concept solution scientifically created to meet the needs of edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients.


Quality of life Improvement

This exceptionally efficient treatment concept provides edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a temporary fixed full-arch prosthesis on four or more implants on the day of surgery. This improves the patient satisfaction with regards to high esthetics, function, sense of taste, speech, hygiene maintenance capability, and self-esteem.

Shorter treatment times

The tilting of the posterior implants and the immediate load technique eliminates the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures and the need for the patient to be without teeth during the healing process.

Lower Costs

This treatment concept is the least costly in comparison to conventional implant treatment modalities of the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw, while remaining a high profit treatment option.

There are a variety of fixed removable systems available from all major implant manufacturers. While in theory they are all very similar, some systems are more functional for certain types of cases. If you would like more information, please call our lab.